Saturday, 5 November 2016

3 Years

I've been on the run for a very long time. Finally, I have time to sit down, relax and not be scared.

I've found Lyron. A Visitor. Someone that can open Walkways. I'll explain more later. But a lot has happened, but now I can finally rest. I'm crying, because this is the best thing to happen to me since I started running. I haven't had a chance to meet up with another runner as I can't seem to find any here in Australia, but I'm not alone anymore.


  1. Ah I figured you would eventually update your blog when I found your comments on the dying man's game. Good now I have more to report and can actually do my job. You have no idea how bored I was.

    Oh, How rude of me. I have not introduced myself yet. I am scribe Tau and my job is to find and monitor blogs like yours. Which is exactly what I'll be doing from now on.

    Do not worry about me coming after you. We are not even in the same universe as you and that is not my job. I just watch and report.

    ~Scribe Tau

    1. Well then, Archvisit, have you found a wealth of knowledge on this Empty City that matches mine when I post later, I wonder?
